AI (vs?) Art

Guess who's back! Yay, I'm finally back in business! It's been a long time and there has been a lot of changes in my life. But not just that: there's also been quite some in the field of AI art.

A digital watercolor painting of a cottage, partially made with the help of AI.

I don't know about you, but I'm having mixed feelings about it. Not many people know this, but as much as I love traditional slow living and everything that comes with it - I'm also a bit of a nerd that's amazed by how fast modern technology is progressing.

I really respect and appreciate the time, passion and hard work an artist puts into his work so much. But in the end, I'm also the kind of person who's all about aesthetics and looks at the result of something, no matter how it's made (as long as it isn't harmful). 

These developments have sparked the ancient old question: what is art? Something we might need to answer some day soon, as copyright laws are being tested out right now.

To be quite frank, I'm still not sure about my stand on it. What I do know is that it's here to stay and you better adapt to it ASAP: the sooner the better. If you can't beat them, join them.

x K.

P.S.: The first image is, in fact, made with the help of AI. However, I have transformed it into what it is now using my own editing skills on Lightroom and my own, self-made watercolor paper and brushes in Procreate. So the image above IS copyrighted!